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    Richiedi il preventivo

    The medieval charm of Bern, its streets and its ancient monuments, will be made ​​even more impressive if you visit on board a luxury car, like those luxury fashion provides you with car rental in major Swiss cities.

    The rental service is quick and easy, ready to deliver the car of your choice wherever you want, in the shortest possible time and in compliance with the highest safety standards

    Every vehicle in fact, is subject to strict technical inspection and is insured against fire, theft and third, a dedicated consultant you will be awarded right for the duration of the rental, you will rely on an always-on service, 24 hours 24.

    Visit Bern in a Ferrari, a Jaguar or maybe a Rolls Royce? You don’t have to do is turn to Luxury Fashion Car.

    Noleggia subito la tua auto di lusso

    Utilizza il form on-line compilando tutti i campi per noleggiare in pochi semplici passaggi e in totale sicurezza un’esclusiva auto di lusso.

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